
Selasa, 14 April 2009

E-book : Atlas of Procedures in GYNECOLOGIC ONCOLOGY

Sinopsis :
This book should be valuable for those beginning their surgical training, as well as for senior practitioners. For the medical student and house officer, it will provide an introduction to basic gynecologic oncology procedures such as surgical staging, vulvar surgery, radical hysterectomy, and others. There are also sections on paracentesis, chest tube placement and central venous access. For the fellow in training, procedures, such as laparoscopic lymph node dissection, intraoperative radiation therapy, inguino-femoral lymphadenectomy, and others, will be indispensable when acting as the first assistant. For the senior surgeon, the text will introduce new technologies and advanced minimally invasive procedures that are not part of the usual surgical armamentarium. Procedures such as laparoscopic radical hysterectomy, sentinel lymph node biopsy, radical vaginal trachelectomy, and others are not typically taught during normal subspecialty training. All these procedures are illustrated in such detail that any surgeon can appreciate the adaptation of currently practiced surgical procedures to the minimally invasive approach, which may be readily learned from selected specialists in the field
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